Armin Schulz





Articles and Interviews on My Work

General overviews of my work

Video for KU's University Scholarly Achievement Award Presentation 2024

Part of the "5 Minute Fellows" Series at the University of Pittsburgh's Center for Philosophy of Science

apsa picture

My newsletter on evolutionary biological approaches towards current events (for a general audience)

Sci Phi Podcast

Sci Phi Podcast

On evolutionary economics & social science

Economist Picture

Letter to the editor of the Economist on home working and evolved human sociality

KU News Picture

Article in KU News on my book Structure, Evidence, and Heuristic

Video for KU News on the evolution of firms as collective economic agents

Science Daily Picture

Post on Science Daily about the evolution of firms as collective economic agents

University Daily Kansan Picture

Article in the University Daily Kansan on the evolution of firms as collective economic agents

KU News Picture

Article in KU News on niche construction and adaptive preferences

Lawrence Talks Picture

Interview with Lawrence, KS podcast—Lawrence Talks about evolutionary economics in general, and what evolutionary biological insights imply post-pandemic work life in particular.

Livestream of Evolutionary Social Science and Philosophy (ESS-Phi) 2023 Workshop

On the evolution of representational decision making and evolutionary psychology

Aeon Mag
Article in Aeon Mag on the evolution of representational decision-making

Central Standard Picture

(Segment starts at 34:49)

Interview on KCUR's—Kansas City's NPR Affiliate—Central Standard about evolutionary psychology.

Brains Blog

Guest posts on the Brains Blog about my book Efficient Cognition
KU News Evo Psych

Article in KU News on my book my book Efficient Cognition

LSE Public Lecture Pic

Talk for Philosophy@LSE at the London School of Economics on the evolution of conative representational decision making

Talk for the Department of Philosophy, Logic, and Scientific Method at the London School of Economics on the evolution of cognitive representational decision making

"Human Nature Bytes" for the Human Nature Forum